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Can Programmatic Ads Save Spotify's Stock Price?

Can Programmatic Ads Save Spotify?

Summary: According to Q3 earnings calls, Spotify may seek to broker user data in order to keep average revenue per user afloat. Known as programmatic advertising, this m...

November 02, 2018
Facebook's Q3 Earnings

What Everyone Should Know Before Facebook’s Q3 Earnings Call

Facebook’s earnings call today may be the most anticipated call of Q3. The stock has tumbled since the last quarterly earnings call from a high of $217 in July to a low...

October 30, 2018
Autonomous Vehicle Bubble

The Level 2 Autonomous Vehicle Bubble – Tesla, GM, Audi, BMW, Waymo, Nvidia, and Intel

Last month, Autonomous Vehicles fell into the “trough of disillusionment,” which is the downward slope that analyst firm Gartner publishes to show the hype cycle for ce...

October 17, 2018
Autonomous Vehicles

Why Apple Will Never Buy Tesla: Autonomous Vehicles 101

It’s understandable if you missed the headlines that Apple may buy Tesla. That piece of speculative news, like most news about Tesla, has been overshadowed by the PR st...

October 09, 2018
Spotify Stock

Is Spotify a Bandwagon Stock? 8 Key Issues Famous Hedge Funds Are Ignoring

Bandwagons are easy to jump on but it can be hard to decide when it’s time to get off, especially considering Spotify stock has famous hedge funds like Soros Fund Manag...

September 27, 2018
4K UHD Content

Fast Growth in 4K Televisions and UHD Content Requires Premium Content Protection

Ultra HD televisions are one of the fastest-growing segments in the history of consumer electronics. Within the first three years of shipments, 4K/UHD overshadowed HDTV...

September 12, 2018
An Industry Insider predicts Facebook's stock would plunge

I Predicted Facebook Would Miss Q2 Earnings: Here's What Investors Need To Know For Q3

This is a crucial time to point out to investors that my predictions were correct. Last April, I published an in-depth analysis on Seeking Alpha along with predictions ...

July 27, 2018
The I/O Fund specializes in tech growth stocks and offers in-depth research for Premium Members. Investors get access to a transparent portfolio, a forum, webinars, and real-time trade notifications. Sign up for Premium.

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